Journey of GDSC RNSIT (2020-21) has been outstanding so far. It all started off with our core team which consists of 14 students from core and non core branches who were and are eccentric about contributing towards the betterment of the community. After quite a few bonding sessions, weekly sync-ups, and guidance of our facilitator we managed to bond together and gather all our ideas for conducting a variety of events ranging from web development to hackathons. 

Our very first event was a coding competition named ‘Codeflix’ which was a grand success. The main aim of conducting this particular event was to extensively promote coding culture in our college. Two seasons were successively hosted allowing students from different branches to showcase their coding skills. This series layed a foundation for the formation of a coding club in our college named ‘Big O’. 

Since web development is currently one of the hot topics in the present scenario, we came up with ‘Web Dev workshop’ which was hosted in three tracks along with the completion of two projects which allowed students to gain hands-on experience. Since GDSC was providing an opportunity to learn android application development we decided to give it a try. After a few weeks of training we conducted three sessions of ‘Android study jam’ where we taught our peers about the beauty of flutter in developing mobile applications. Amidst conducting these events, we helped the mechanical department students to establish their own student club. 

Next was the google solution challenge 2021. As the name itself reveals, it was quite a challenge amidst the exam preparations. Students from several branches showed immense interest and grabbed this opportunity and designed various mobile and web applications where the events we had conducted previously came in handy. A particular team called as ‘BluTree’ which consisted of three members came up with an application named ‘Durga’, a women safety application.The team with a background of electronics and instrumentation managed to surf through all the hardships and technical difficulties under the assistance of GDSC RNSIT and qualified among the Top-50 teams where they competed against GDSC teams all over the world. We congratulate them for their success and shall continue to extend our support and encouragement. 

Google Developer Students Club all over the world believed in the motto ‘Connect, Learn and Grow’. We, at GDSC RNSIT (2020-21), preached this motto on a whole new level. Conducting 15+ events in a duration of 9-10 months has been nothing less than a roller coaster ride. Nothing can be achieved without determination and thirst to accomplish. Working as a team definitely brought us together, allowing us to share our growing knowledge with our peers. This also helped us grow as individuals and allowed us to build our network. We also managed to eradicate the concept that technologies exist for only IT branches by preaching the notion ‘GDSCs are for all’. Though our college is divided by branches we can proudly say that GDSC RNSIT definitely acted as a ‘binding force’ where all the branches participated in the events as a community.