Steps to be followed:

  1. Fill this form to register for DSC RNSIT Blog as an author: Registration Form
  2. You will receive an email containing invite link to register. It will look like this: Verify Email
  3. Open the link. You’ll be redirected to DSC RNSIT Blog page, but the URL will be different, something like this: Confirm Token
  4. Add admin/ after the domain name, and replace the #confirmation_token= with #invite_token= so that the resulting URL will look like this:"
  5. Open the modified URL. A page asking for password will be shown. Enter details and complete the registration process. Complete Sign Up
  6. Now you can login to Admin Page and contribute articles by clicking on New Post button. New Post
  7. Choose for Rich Text or Markdown to write articles in Editor Page, and view real-time changes beside it.
    Editor Page
  8. All options in editor are self-explanatory. Show TOC and Open TOC stand for Table of Contents for your article. Meta refers to article reading time and other details.
  9. Remember to save articles once you’re finished writing them, so that it can be kept in draft, or be published. Make sure to add appropriate tags and categories for your article.
  10. If you run into any issues, feel free to contact us via email, or any social media.

General Instructions

  • Learn to use Markdown for writing articles. Its really easy to learn, and helps a lot in text formatting.
  • Always use present tense in writing technical articles. Furthermore, the use of words like “will” tends to lead to thinking and writing about what will be done. Conversely, when the article is written in the present tense, the language is clear and unambiguous.
  • Avoid lengthy, complex paragraphs. In case your article will appear in columns, even one or two sentences equal a paragraph.
  • Avoid use of passive voice.
  • Expand all acronyms on first use, except acronyms that every reader is expected to know.
  • Avoid “etc.” unless it is obvious.
  • Make sure you read your article several times and use spell-check. Though it may be obvious, this is one of the most important tips. If you are careless making silly spelling mistakes, editors will just reject your article.
  • Never write an article on a topic which you are not confident. Make sure you work out all steps and give fair amount of information to your readers.
  • When providing data in form of numbers that include facts, always provide the source of information. For example “20,000 nodes on internet as per XYZ research paper dated ..”